Information for politically exposed persons
Attention - they are not only politically active persons, but also their relatives, partners or corporate partners! Who specifically falls under this category can be found below.
The information must be correct and given separately for each person completed in the contract.
The following are considered to be a Politically Exposed Person (PEP):
A natural person who is or has been in a significant public office with regional, national or even more extensive significance, eg: head of territorial self-government - mayor of the municipality and town, mayor, regional governor, etc.
- the head of the territorial self-government of a foreign country with a federal arrangement - the head of the provincial authorities, members of the provincial government and parliament, etc.,
- Head of State, Prime Minister, Head of Central Government (eg Minister) and Deputy Minister (Deputy or Secretary of State),
- member of parliament, member of the governing body of a political party,
- Judge of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Court or other supreme judicial authority
- member of the Bank Board of the Central Bank,
- senior officer of the armed forces or corps,
- a member of the statutory body or a representative of the member (if the legal entity is a member of the statutory body) of a business corporation controlled by the state,
- Ambassador or Head of Mission,
- or a natural person who carries out a similar function in another State, EU institution or international organization.
A PEP shall also be deemed to be a person close to that person, in particular:
- relatives in a direct line - parents, grandparents, etc., children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc.
- sibling, husband, wife, partner, partner
- sister-in-law (ie relatives of husband, wife, partner, partner), son-in-law, daughter-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law
- a person who lives with her permanently
- personal family relationship or similar relationship if the harm suffered by one person was reasonably perceived by the other as self-harm
PEP also means a person from his / her "business environment" who:
- is a partner or beneficial owner of the same legal person or trust as the person referred to in paragraph 1;
- it is known to the obliged person that he is in a close business relationship with the person in paragraph 1; this refers to material interdependence in the course of a business activity where the benefit or harm of one person could reasonably be perceived as beneficial or harmful to the other;
- is the beneficial owner of a legal person or trust known to the liable entity to have been created for the benefit of the person referred to in the first paragraph.